I have always been a water baby but now its confirmed. The colors of the coral reef truly inspire me. The everchanging blue of the oceans will never limit me. I can go from the deepest darkest navy to the cheerful and pristine blue like the seas of Samoa. Rich rusty browns that transition to a murky olive green. Brightly colored red and pink coral plus the injection and pop of color that only a royal Angelfish or Clownfish can bring. Using these visually unique fish as an example I am able to experiment with all types of colors and prints. Your only limited by your imagination.
I believe that yes although fashion has trends and some things become very "In Style" and "Must Have" impulsive purchases are hard to resist. Fight the urge and shop around. Getting something from an Op Shop or Salvation Army is not only super cheap but wait for it .... super VINTAGE. Say it with me peeps "Vintage". A one off! So head down to a SaveMart, Recycle Boutique or whatever and find yourself a diamond in the rough ...When you do manage to find it, you wear that sucker with pride cos you love telling everyone the story of where you nabbed it from. Making someone jelly is so the cherry on the top when they find out they cant get one anywhere.
Here are a few coral pics that I found ... Are you a crazy coral-ian like me? Have I converted you yet?
Yes, officially converted especially when my other nick name is the "grey lady" shot heds xx